Sunday 29 March 2015


Lesson 11: The Clergy in the Church
Date        : 29-03-15

Time       : 8.15- 9.30

Memory  Verse :

John 3:16
For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Recap of previous lesson -  The Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic

Learners are asked about what was learnt during the previous lesson Chapter7 - 10

Group Discussion and Task   (Time: 8.30 am - 9.15am)

Objective : Learners to become more aware of the vocation and mission of the church.

Set Induction: Learners asked to form groups and discuss the photograph of mother Theresa and reflect on the quote in text book page 28. Representatives of the group come forward and relate the points discussed.  

Explanation :  

As Catholics we are to live out our mission and vocation in 3 ways.

As members of – the clergy
                        -  laity
                        -  religious

Learners asked to study pictures on page 58 of the text book and identify the Pope, Bishop, priests and deacon.

Learners Reflect and respond to questions on page 59

1.  In the Catholic Church order of leadership called the hierarchy (sacred order). It signifies that God had ordered certain ministries in a particular way for the good of the whole church.  The hierarchy of the catholic church consists of the Pope, bishops, priests and deacons which are collectively called the clergy. A person becomes a member of the clergy through the Sacrament of Holy Orders that is ordination. The roots of the hierarchy dates back to the twelve apostles that were chosen by Jesus. Jesus shared his message and mission with his 12 apostles. Simon Peter was chosen by Jesus as head of the apostles.
2. Bible Reading :  Matthew 16:  13-20. A learner reads aloud. Whole class reads silently and reflects.
    Explanation –
    1. The Holy Spirit revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Messiah   
    2. Jesus informs Peter that he was chosen to lead the Church
    3. Jesus asked Peter to exercise his authority in unity with the other apostles

   Peter and his apostles formed a sacred and permanent body were later known as the college of bishops.                                                                    
   Purpose of the hierarchy – the responsibility of preserving the faith and communion of the whole church.
Role of Bishop – leader of Catholics within a certain geographical area called diocese, The college of bishops under the leader of the pope – sanctify, govern and teach people under their care. The college of bishops have no authority unless united with the pope. The pope is the successor of St Peter and is therefore the visible source and sign of unity of the bishops and the whole church.                                                                                     

A priest carries out his ministry of teaching, governing and sanctifying in unity and under the leadership of the bishop esp. at the level of the parish.

-a priest can never work independently of the bishop

- Two types of priests

1. A diocesan priest  - one who is ordained for a particular diocese and dedicates his life towards the care of the people under that diocese – priest makes promise of celibacy and obedience to his bishop
2. A religious priest is a member of a religious order and professes the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience

Deacons assists the bishops and priests

Two types of deacons.

1. Those who are ordained as deacons in preparation for priesthood

2. Permanent deacons – they do not receive ordination to priesthood- deacons may be chosen from married men

HOMEWORK : Write a letter to Father Paulino , affirm him and thank him for everything he has done for you.Letter will contribute 10% of mid term assessment.

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