Tuesday 16 February 2016


READING: Peter 2 : 9-10


1.What does the “CHURCH” mean to you?
Learners invited to study the pictures on page 18 to 22 of text book.

The purpose of this activity is to help learners see that the term ‘church’ is more than the physical structures, laws and commandments. The church is about God and His relationship with His people.   

The Church is human and divine. We cannot fully describe the “Church” because she is both human and divine in nature.
  • The Church is human because she is made up of a human community compromising of human persons.The members of the community sometimes make mistakes or have misunderstandings among themselves.
  • The Church is also divine because it is spiritual in nature. The Church was born out of God’s love for His people and His desire to re-gather them into His family. But despite all the weaknesses, shortcomings and   limitations of her members the Church remains holy.
2. Why is the Church holy?

The Church is holy because her founder Jesus is holy. The Church reflects the goodness and holiness of Jesus to the world.The Church is a gathering of God’s people. God gathers His people in and through Christ
On her own the Church cannot exists, The Church exists only because of God’s love and grace for His people.   

3.How are we the People of God?
  • A person becomes a member of the Church through Baptism
  • Through the Sacrament of Baptism, a member of the Church shares the dignity and freedom of the sons  and daughters of God.   
  • We call God “Our Father” because we are children of God.
  • As God’s people we are called to love God and to love our neighbours. We are called to love especially people in need and those who are treated unjustly or unfairly.
Our mission as God’s people is to help build the Kingdom of God on earth until Christ comes again and brings it to perfection.As God’s people it is essential that we show love and mercy to others.

Lesson 4 : The Church as Body of Christ

Group Discussion and Task   

5. What does the term “Body of Christ’ means to you?

Teacher explains that the human body is made up different parts and all are important in the same way. The church is made up of different people who together form the Body of Christ that is the Church.  

Jesus during his time on earth gathered his disciples and formed a close bond with them. And among the lessons he taught them was the importance of being a community, where each member loves and cares for the others. After our Lord’s ascension he sent the Holy Spirit upon them so the He could continue to be together with them.            
BIBLE READING : Corinthians 12: 12-27

Learners asked to share their understanding of the reading and responses discussed.


1. Paul compares the Church with the human body. Each part of the human body is important and dependent upon the other parts. No part of the body can function on its own. Christ is Head of the Church- the Church is the Body of Christ. The human body cannot function without its head in the same way the Church cannot function without Christ.

2. Each of us has a special and important place in the Body of Christ – that is the Church,
- we are united to one another and to Christ through Baptism
- although you are teenagers, you are just as important as the others members such as the youths, adults and senior parishioners. 

3. Just as every part of the body has a special role, each of us has a special vocation in the church. 
   We may be different in terms of – age, talents, background, experience and capabilities. Yet we can all participate in the mission of the church by sharing our time, talents, resources etc. When each of us does our part – we are contributing to the growth of the whole Body of Christ. Christ as Head of the church will provide us with whatever is necessary for us to grow as a Church.  

4. The communion/ relationship we share with Christ is so intimate that the Church describes the relationship akin to the relationship between a man and a woman entering into holy matrimony.
Learners asked to list qualities married couples are called to live out in marriage eg. love, trust, honor, respect etc. In holy matrimony man and woman become one, united in love and trust ie they become one person. The Church is called the bride of Christ because we are closely united to Christ who is the bridegroom    

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