Sunday 11 September 2016



From its beginning, the Church has confessed that God is reconciling the world to Godself through Christ Jesus.Today the church is continually called upon to enable its members to relate to persons of other faith traditions and to live as witnesses with others.
This experience is rooted in the biblical affirmation that God is the creator and sustainer of all creation. “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it” (Ps.24.1). God called the people of Israel to be witnesses among the nations while, at the same time, affirming that God is the God of all nations (Ex.19: 5-6).

As Christians we believe that the Spirit of God is at work in ways beyond our understanding (cf. John 3. 8). The Spirit is at work to bring about the redemption of the whole created order (Rom. 8. 18 - 27).It's our duty to witness Christ salvation to everyone not necessarily “converting” them but exposing them to Christ  by our living examples of Christian virtues.

In dialogue and relationships with people of other faiths, we have come to recognize that the mystery of God’s salvation is not exhausted by our theological affirmations(what we believe)
Salvation belongs to God. (which means God can save anyone not just believers of Christ)
  • We therefore dare not stand in judgement of others. While witnessing to our own faith we seek to understand the ways in which God intends to bring God’s purposes to their fulfilment.
  • We therefore feel able to assure our partners in dialogue that we come not as manipulators but as genuine fellow searchers for the fullness of truth.
  • We therefore claim confidently this confession of the Christian tradition. “Always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15).

The driving force towards evangelism is a primary reason for dialogue with other religions. By learning more about the beliefs and practices of new religions, sects,and cults, Christians can learn how to effectively present the gospel in a way that will be understood by members of alternative religions.



READ ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 17:16-34  Answer questions on page 125 of textbook.

DISCUSSION / HOMEWORK : In groups of 5-6 students, each team must comprise of at least 2 girls and 2 boys , choose a religion other than ours and do research on it.Using the  guide provided on page 127 of the textbook prepare a presentation. Use whatever media you are comfortable with , powerpoint presentation, OHP presentation,Charts , Report or scrapbook. This will constitute 50%  of final exam marks and the best presentation will be submitted to Father Simon for viewing and if deemed suitable presented in Church for public viewing.
Title : The Church Dialogues with People of Other Faiths, Knowing where they come from .
(This helps us understand them and opens avenues for evangalising).

Point to ponder:
  1. Does the religion have a founder? Who?
  2. How many followers does it have in Malaysia /Worldwide?
  3. What are some of its main teachings and beliefs?
  4. What is common between that religion and Christianity?
  5. What is the name of their Holy Book if any? (ours is the Bible)
  6. What are the major differences between this religion and Christianity?
  7. Is there any good in their religious beliefs that are worth adding to ours?

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